Lama Tashi Norbu – Museum Founder & Artistic Director
Lama Tashi Norbu is the Founder and Artistic Director of the MoCTA. He is a Tibetan Buddhist monk, an independent Tibetan born, contemporary Artist and a performer, with Belgian citizenship. He lives between The Netherlands and US. His childhood was spent in Tibetan monasteries living with rituals and Buddhist worships and studied traditional Tibetan Thangka Painting.
He worked as an Artist at the residence of the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India. Later in Europe, he was graduated from Saint Lucas Academy of Visual Arts in Ghent, Belgium, thus blending the Traditional Tibetan Art with the modern, building a bridge between Eastern and Western forms of Art. His paintings are exhibited in various Museums and galleries of all continents where he performs Sand Mandalas, Tibetan Mantra lounges and give live painting performances. He is specialized in Tibetan tattooing -Art on skin- and depicts images, based on the Tibetan astrology chart. His sculptures 15ft height, made out of waste materials such as wood plastic waste, and established in Chicago, Encinitas, Gandhi Museum Bihar/India and Emmen/the Netherlands are sending messages across the globe on environmental awareness.

Leela Eleni Skitsa – Co-Founder, Managing Director & Treasurer at the Board of Directors
Leela Eleni Skitsa is the Co-Founder and the Managing Director of the Museum. She is a member of the Board of Directors (Treasurer). She is an Artist at the MoCTA and her Art takes many forms such as drawing, painting, curating, writing essays, art critic and poems.
She studied Business management in London, at St. Godric’s College and followed Art studies at St. Martins College of Arts and Design in London. She has worked in the management section of various companies in Europe and she was an entrepreneur, as owner of a school of secretarial and management studies.
Later, she travelled to Himalayas and she got acquainted with Asian culture and therapeutic holistic methods, thus becoming a certified yoga teacher, a Reiki master and an holistic therapist/healer. In Dharamshala India, she studied the Traditional Thangka at Tenrab’s Sacred Buddhist Art and followed numberless courses on Buddhist philosophy at Tushita Meditation Center, the ex-residence of 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet. She is specialized on painting on silk in an intensely primitive and colorful style.

Ronald Klaar – Museum Shop Manager & President at the Board of Directors
Ronald Klaar is the Manager of the Museum shop and President of the Tibet House Holland, the non-profit foundation where the Museum of Contemporary Tibetan Art belongs. He is specialized in the Art and Science of Horticulture as well as landscape gardening. He put his seed at the Museum since 2018 and made it grow and reach its current state.
Interested in nature and religion, having roots in Indonesia, he travels to Asian countries especially to the Himalayas. In the foothills of the Annapurna mountains in Nepal, at steep Himalayan villages he came to know another culture, witnessing the Buddhist appreciation for equanimity in moments of precious joy that could not forget when he returned to Holland.
Fascinated by Buddhism and its philosophy he realizes his strong connection with Tibetan Buddhism and joins the MoCTA Team. He is a self actualized Artist inspired by Tibetan Art and culture. He creates pieces of art in a symbolic style which can be found at the Museum shop.

Chantal Berrens – Administration Manager & Secretary at the Board of Directors

Lama Tashi Norbu – Museum Founder & Artistic Director

Leela Eleni Skitsa – Co-Founder, Managing Director & Treasurer at the Board of Directors
We are an ANBI status - a Public Beneficial Organization
The Museum of Contemporary Tibetan Art (MOCTA) is qualified as an ANBI Status, registered with the Tax Authorities as a General Benefit Institution. It is a Public Benefit Organization ANBI (Algemeen nut beogende instelling) because it meets all conditions and all efforts are entirely committed to the public benefit.
- An ANBI does not pay Dutch inheritance tax or gift tax on inheritances.
- An ANBI does not pay Dutch gift tax on gifts that the organisation awards to the public benefit.
- Natural and legal persons who donate to an ANBI can deduct their gifts from their Dutch income tax or corporate income tax.
Our Museum complies fully with :
- The practice guidance as described at the Governance Cultural Code,
- ICOM -International Council of Museums-,
- Code of Ethics for Museums,
- LAMO and the Heritage Act,
- Fare Practice Code and Diversity & inclusion strategies at the Workplace in order to contribute to the community in the best way
- WBT-the Management and Supervision of Legal Entities Act and all rules and norms or laws adjusted for the good of the Museum and its interaction with the public.